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Delivered from Mental Bondage: My Journey to Freedom through Hallelujah Challenge

Chronicles Advisory

I'm located all the way in Grenada, in the Caribbean Islands and I've been following HC for some years and I’ve seen God show up in many ways. But this time, He really shone His light on me. I have been truly set free.  A couple years ago while I attended secondary school, I started to experience a lot of fear, anxiety and depression. I was refusing to answer questions in class, then I was struggling with assignments and soon I was no longer the top of my form even until graduation. It's like when I silenced myself, the enemy used this as an opportunity to curtail my destiny. Even though I attended university and attained my degrees, I always struggled to grasp and retain any information. By this time, I became saved and so tried to fast and pray for deliverance but it didn't work.

During the special HC festival, when Kaestrings was ministering I heard God tell me, "Your mind has been in a prison but I'm about to set you free". As I kept praying, I suddenly started belching from my left ear and out of my mouth. Right then, Pastor Tobi came on and said "Every chain that has kept you back from what you were meant to be doing and made it look like your mates have gone ahead of you is broken". I kept belching and as I repeated every prayer he gave, I realized I was shouting louder, more confidently and full of joy. God said "He broke the spirit of intimidation off of my life." What sealed it, was the scripture Pastor Tobi shared from Luke 13:11 of the woman with the spirit of infirmity for 18 years. When I did the math, I was in school 18 years ago when the problem started. I bless God, I thank Him for giving me my mind back, a strong mind, saturated in His power and love. And thank you to this ministry and Pastor Nat for raising this altar. May God bless all of you.


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