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  • Prayers in Tongues for the first 30 minutes.

  •  Prayers in Understanding for the remaining 30 minutes.



  • Thank God for His goodness. For His marvelous and wondrous works during the previous Hallelujah Challenge editions.

  • Thanksgiving for the salvation of souls and the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

  • Thanksgiving for every vessel God has used in the Hallelujah challenge. Psalm 147:7, Psalm 92, Psalm 136.


2. THE BLOOD - Plead the blood on the entire event. The vessels and instruments to be used. That the power in the blood is released in this Hallelujah Challenge edition. Let's pray that the flood of the Blood will flow from this Hallelujah Challenge altar to the nations of the earth. Revelation 12:11, Hebrews 12:24



  • Pray that there be a mighty move of God’s Spirit during this Hallelujah Challenge edition. Because it is the SPIRIT that gives LIFE, let’s ask for the BREATH of GOD on every session, song, prayer, and prophetic utterance.

  • Pray that the gifts of the Spirit manifest in full measure with precision and power.

  • Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit on all participants. Isaiah 32:15, Job 33:4, Ezekiel 37:9, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4


4. GLORY - Isaiah 40:5, Psalm 84:11

  • Father, this HC, let your glory be revealed in every life. And let all eyes see it.

  • Father, this HC, let your glory be revealed in every family. And let all eyes see it.

  • Father, this HC, let your glory be revealed in every nation. And let all eyes see it.

  • Father, in our thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayers prophetic utterances, and declarations, let your glory be revealed.

  • Father, reveal your glory as you did at the marriage at Canaan, and let there be miracles, signs, and wonders.

  • Father, reveal and manifest your glory this HC as honour, wisdom, mercy, truth, goodness, blessings, and riches in Jesus’ name. 

  • Father, to every lost, manifest and reveal your glory. Let the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus shine through to them and cause massive salvation to break out.


5. HELP OF GOD - Pray for Pastor Nath, the team, and AskRoom, that they will enjoy the help and strength of the Lord as they plan, execute, and minister during the Hallelujah Challenge and Festival.  1 Chronicles 15:26, 1 Peter 4:11.


6. KINGDOM MARRIAGES - Declare that we experience massive, glorious Kingdom marriages as we praise God this Hallelujah Challenge. Jeremiah 33:11


7. NEW BEGINNINGS.  NEW DAWNS.  NEW THINGS - Declare that we experience new beginnings, new dawns, and new things as we praise God this Hallelujah Challenge. Isaiah 43:19, Isaiah 42:9


8. Pray for Pastor Nath, his family, the team, and AskRoom that no enchantment against them, and no divination against them shall stand. That concerning them, the testimony shall only ever be ‘See what the Lord has done’. Zechariah 2:5, Numbers‬ ‭23:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬, Isaiah 44:24-25 


9. Prayer & Thanksgiving in advance for a successful Hallelujah Challenge edition. Philippians 4:6, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 19:21

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